Clearing space

Trip down the memory lane... I'm to let go of many old things to make more studio space, but these little booklets are the most difficult to throw away. All the course notes I prepared for my workshop participants when I was teaching creative book art all those years ago. Oh the nostalgia of releasing such physical memory touchstones... But away they must. Thus this goodbye post. Space for new things!

Also found my old sketchbook from year 1995...! This spread is from one enjoyable day sketching the treasures in the British Museum. Later I made a water colour painting based of this small statue of 'Psyche Bound'. I entered it in a young artists' gallery competition in Finland that year. It won the 'Public's Choice' award. Feels like many lifetimes ago now.

And another sketchbook victim of this ruthless studio clearing... I was never big in creating sketches prior to beginning book art work, but rather created compilation collages of commissions that I had completed. Something to remember each project and process by. Bits of materials and elements I had worked with. A tactile memory, now only existing as these photos.