Zoom Crystal healing charm talisman
Zoom Crystal healing charm talisman

Crystal healing charm talisman


Crystal healing talisman with a myriad of crystal energy: Almandine Garnet, Lava Stone, Amber, Black Tourmaline, Tiger Eye, White Lace Agate, Dalmatian Stone, Smokey Quartz, Picture Jasper, Pyrite, Ruby, Sapphire, Moonstone, Hematite, Rhodonite and Quartz. Five shamanic tassels extend from a row of three Almandine Garnets. The tassels also include wooden beads and a stack of cork for added tactile quality. The rosewood disk also includes a splash of genuine 24 carat gold for added sparkle. You can tune your energy by intentionally connecting with any of the crystal energies on their own or in combination that you may need at any one time. This is also a lovely focus aid to ground yourself somatically by holding/touching the pendant tassels whenever needed.

The long braid ends include details of matching crystals as decorative loops, and the necklace cord length can be adjusted to hang the pendant tassel at any desired level.

The strands hang down at their longest at approx. 5 cm (2") tall and their combined width is approx. 5 cm (2").

You'll receive this crystal healing necklace in one of Spirit Carrier's handmade fabric draw-string pouches - great for the safe-keeping of the necklace. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.

Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.

~Ships worldwide from Spirit Carrier's small artisan studio in England, UK~


Five most prominent crystal energies in this necklace:

Stimulates one's life force. Supports the root chakra while drawing earth energy into the body, helping you to feel secure and centred. Awakens the "inner fire" of creativity. Highly protective stone and a great companion to keep you energised. Excellent good fortune and 'success' stone in both social and career ventures, adding positive vibes both in your personal or business life. Stone of purification and cleansing. Symbolises passionate, devoted love.

Stone of vitality, assertiveness and passion. Provides stability in times of change. Grounding and protective. Supports courage and decisiveness. Helps in finding one's 'life path'. Encourages personal development and growth.

Amber is like sunshine solidified, offering a wonderful sense of health and wellbeing. Transmutes negative energies into positive, excellent for psychic protection. Cheers you up and helps you take action to make your ideas reality - ideal manifestation aid. Cleansing effect on the body, mind and spirit, promoting self-confidence and creative self-expression. Encourages spontaneity, patience and inner wisdom.

Powerful stone to connect with one’s personal strength. Excellent for attracting prosperity. Highly spiritual energy, useful in understanding any life cycle that one is living through. Helps in seeing through illusions and discerning the truth in any situation. A highly protective stone. Good for strengthening one’s boundaries and developing will power and courage.

Taps into your innate abilities, bringing confidence and perseverance to aim for your goals. A shielding stone that helps you see the truth in the motives of others. Increases vitality and enhances your assertive qualities. Helpful in turning melancholy into feeling empowered and more light-hearted. Helps in letting go thoughts of misfortune and worry, thus making it an excellent stone for manifesting abundance. Symbolises the warmth and presence of sun, attracting also abundance of love, friendship and success. Also excellent stone against electromagnetic fog.

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