Zoom Carnelian crystal healing amulet with 24 carat gold

Carnelian crystal healing amulet with 24 carat gold


'Crystal kintsugi' ~ sometimes a damaged crystal still has so much life and energy within that I just cannot discard it. Like us people, no need for past knocks and bruises to define our capabilities. Often the wounded healers have deep wisdom to share. This pair of raw Carnelians is now combined with genuine 24 carat gold to celebrate its beauty and to remind you of yours. If you are familiar with astrology, you may connect with Chiron symbolism in this amulet.

KINTSUGI (‘golden joinery’) also known as Kintsukuroi (‘golden repair’) is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. Kintsugi can be seen to have similarities to the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, an embracing of the flawed or imperfect.

The width of the Carnelian pair is approx. 2.5 cm (1") and the length of the long satin cord braid can be adjusted through a knotted channel so you can wear this as short or long as you wish. The crystals at the ends of the necklace braid are Citrine.

You'll receive this crystal healing necklace in one of Spirit Carrier's handmade fabric draw-string pouches - great for the safe-keeping of the necklace. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.

Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.

~Ships worldwide from Spirit Carrier's small artisan studio in England, UK~


Known as a stone of motivation and courage. Stimulates creativity and increases one's sense of self-worth. Balancing for body's energy levels, restoring vitality and motivation. Said to attract prosperity, new resources and good luck. A success stone that helps you follow through with plans. Stone of action that aids in overcoming procrastination. Helps in gaining more understanding of one's inner self. Stimulating to the Sacral Chakra, which, when in balance, allows one to enjoy life, feel its joys and pleasures, be flexible and 'go with the flow'.

Affects a powerful alignment with the higher self. Balances the emotions and helps in uplifting one's mood to be more sunny and cheerful. Brings clarity of thought, and attracts abundance and prosperity through joy. Powerful transformer in healing work. Increases self-confidence and optimism, cleanses the surrounding energies and promotes creative thinking. Releases, dissipates and transforms denser energies on all levels, mental, emotional and physical. Works to release limitations and blockages particularly around the sacral / solar plexus area.

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