A couple of weeks ago I sent this to an artist friend.
A year ago we reconnected through a mutual friend, having first met each other 19 years ago on our degree course in London. We decided we needed to do something artful together, which of course wasn’t simple as we live in different countries. But an idea of a joint exhibition was born. As part of it we thought it would be fun to send each other something that the other one would then incorporate in a piece of their own work for the gallery exhibition. I simply cannot wait to see the installation she has made with the white beach stone I sent her. It wasn’t small.
She sent me a piece of vintage linen, inspiringly - starched. And I’ve now incorporated it into a wall-hanging piece called ‘Light Anchor’. The image below is a process shot from when I was gilding part of the linen with 23.5 carat gold leaf. I will be posting more images once the exhibition is set up. Not long to go now!