About the artist
Today, I'm based in the beautiful Peak District, England where I work in my home studio and send crystal treasures to my cherished customers worldwide.

As an artist I’m fascinated by tribal stories, ancient times and natural materials. Norse mythology as well as the Finnish Kalevala are close to my heart. I have always expressed storylines with my work and like to travel in my imagination to far away eras and destinations.
Before dedicating my time to creating crystal amulets, I explored the creative process for many years as a book artist, exhibiting my work in galleries worldwide, winning quite a few awards on the way. Nowadays, I'm no longer “out there” in galleries with my work, but concentrate instead in being a behind-the-scenes creator making crystal energy wearable, so that those whose life and work happens out there in the world, get to benefit from crystals' support in their daily life. I listen to crystals telling their soulful stories and help their wisdom come forth - so they can become part of your life story.
Working as an artist and artisan for over thirty years now, has honed my skills with special traditional tools and a multitude of materials. I’m deeply grateful to all the master craftsmen I’ve been blessed to learn from. When something is handmade with thorough experience, you can be assured to get the highest of quality with great attention to detail - a considered balance, both visual and structural, in the combination of different elements. Over the years, I’ve also learnt how the integrity with which the maker creates their work, permeates it and will resonate with those who open their heart to experience it. I believe crystals choose their keepers, and often while working with an individual crystal, I sense it is already destined to someone specific who's just yet to find it. When I work with the energy of stones, I'm in dialogue with them - allowing them to show me how they'd like to be combined to benefit their future wearer. They tell me their stories, I give them tender loving care, and enjoy sending these happy crystal spirits onto their chosen destinations.
I'm dedicated to expanding my spiritual awareness, but oddly enough, have never been too keen on many of the ’new age’ concepts out there as they don't strike me as empowering. This might sound surprising for someone making crystal healing jewellery, but... crystals are ancient. They’re the mineral kingdom’s equivalent of herbal medicine. Ancient. Natural. Real. The reason why I so love them stems from my independent exploration and my own personal experiences in their effectiveness. For me crystal jewellery is an art form. Art, like crystals, has a special way of connecting with emotions. Crystals, just like art, have the ability to touch your soul, whether there’s scientific proof for it or not. I always tell you to trust your own intuition first, be guided by how you genuinely feel. That’s how I’ve always approached creating art and how I will carry on. All you need to do is to feel it.
Being sensitive to invisible energies and empathic to the moods of others all my life, I have explored the field of energy sensing since the early 1990s, gaining certifications in various complementary healing modalities such as Usui Reiki, Reiki Seichem and crystal healing, and later, taking on a more neuroscience based approach by qualifying as a hypnotherapist. Alongside my jewellery work, I also offer mentoring sessions regularly, aimed to guide those who book with me into a felt connection with their unlimited inner resources and creativity to help ease any emotional upheaval.
In line with my holistic approach to life, I'm strongly drawn to natural, raw crystals and often make necklaces with rough specimens, un-drilled and un-altered, and have given my crystal amulets the name Spirit Carrier - as whispered to me by a certain Flint hagstone in my collection - for this is what they do, carrying their special spirit and vibe to bring joy, beauty and healing into their keeper's life. Using structural knotting, techniques of micro-macrame, needle-lace and braiding I aim to find the specific way an individual crystal wants to settle into a necklace.
My work with crystals comes in several variations: crystal macrame jewellery with natural gemstones, raw crystals braided with organic fibres like unbleached linen and botanically eco-dyed silks, gemstone meditation mala beads and talismanic tribal style leather accessories. I specialise in creating gemstone jewellery without the use of metals, so if you have any metal sensitivities or metal allergy, most of my creations are suitable for you.
Very often people are drawn to my creations when they are going through periods of personal growth, wish to commemorate a special event or express their gratitude to a dear friend. A unique, personal crystal amulet is a wonderful symbol to remind you of your authentic path, a touch stone to keep you focused on your deepest dreams.
I love getting to know my customers, love the interaction and helping my customers find the exactly right-for-them-personally kind of wearable crystal amulet. It's great to get to know where my work travels to, and many of those who buy from me feel to me like friends I've not yet met! Do pop over to Spirit Carrier's Facebook page where I post images of my latest work, I'd love to welcome you into the crystal tribe there. You can also take a peek in my blog which I occasionally remember to update..! More often I post a quick photo on my Instagram page, whether a crystal detail from my studio or work in progress.
Maybe you'll have a browse through my online store here and see if something calls you specifically... I will list new one-of-a-kind crystal amulets regularly. I hope you'll find something personally meaningful that will become your everyday treasure!
Much Love,
Mia xx