About the making process
My crafting process has evolved through nearly three decades of meticulous focus in the use of natural materials and traditional techniques. The way I work with crystals today, would not be possible without the groundwork of learning an array of technical skills, the handling of tools and materials, as well as the visual sensibilities that involve the interplay of colour, texture and scale.
With the making of each amulet, I proceed by 'listening' to the crystals. Not every crystal wants to become wearable, so my first enquiry is whether a crystal does. I handpick each with care and consideration, cleanse it both physically and energetically, and often let it settle in the studio until the time when I feel it 'activate', as in being ready to be worked with. Proceeding from that, I assess the crystal's shape and weight to determine what type of necklace would structurally suit the stone best. The crystals themselves often indicate to me which other crystals they'd prefer to be combined with. Certain crystals tend to have a natural affinity with each other, but even within one crystal type, there can be individuals that prefer to be combined with different stones instead. These combinations of crystals often create a new, additional resonance too, so that in the end, there aren't just three separate crystals, but also their combined resonance, a 'symphony' of the all the crystals' energies combined - a harmonious, carefully balanced healing amulet.
Because of this multifaceted balancing of various aspects that requires quiet contemplation, I prefer to be fully guided by crystals only. When I begin to work with a crystal, I can never fully predict what the end result will be. For this reason I'm usually hesitant taking on any custom work in the traditional sense, as the intuitive process I go through when working with crystals is not always compatible with custom wishes. The look and feel of an amulet evolves very organically during the process of making, so ideally, I prefer to allow the crystal amulet to connect with their chosen keeper after the amulet is complete.
However, in some cases a custom amulet certainly is possible, depending on what the expectations and wishes are. Most successful 'custom' amulets are those, when someone is after specific crystal energy and has an affinity with the look and feel of Spirit Carrier jewellery. Often it is my repeat customers who are most confident in requesting custom pieces, simply for the reason that they are already familiar with the way I work and comfortable to let the crystals lead the way so the amulet can evolve freely.