Unique runic pendulum with wrought iron Mjölnir dowser & Flint Hagstone handle
DESCRIPTION Unusual runic pendulum with iron Mjölnir as the dowser and 'Odin's Eye' (Hagstone) handle attaching to pure copper chain. The structural details are Lava Stone. Perfect if you're looking for...
Unique runic pendulum with Flint Hagstone dowser & wooden handle with two bindrunes
DESCRIPTION Unusual runic pendulum with an 'Odin's Eye' (Hagstone) as a dowser and a wooden disk handle with two different bindrune markings, attaching to pure copper chain. The structural details...
Unique crystal pendulum with two Hagstones as dowser & handle
DESCRIPTION Unusual crystal pendulum with Flint Hagstone as the dowser and Zakynthos Hagstone as the handle, attaching to pure copper chain. Perfect if you're looking for a uniquely original, personal...
Unique crystal pendulum with pure copper chain & pewter handle
DESCRIPTION Unusual crystal pendulum combining a cairn of five crystals as the dowser: Labradorite, Larvikite, Llanite and Hematite. The handle is pewter with a hole through which a knotted loop...
Unique crystal pendulum with pure copper chain & pewter handle
DESCRIPTION Unusual crystal pendulum combining a cairn of five crystals as the dowser: Almandine Garnet, Larvikite, Bronzite, Labradorite and Hematite. The handle is pewter with a hole through which a...
Unique crystal pendulum with pure copper chain & Agate handle
DESCRIPTION Unusual crystal pendulum combining a cairn of four crystals as the dowser: Black Tourmaline, Fire Agate, Leopardskin Jasper and Lava Stone. The handle is Agate, attaching to copper chain....
Quartz crystal pendulum with decorative carry case
DESCRIPTION A rough-cut Quartz point pendulum with a silver-plated Lava Stone handle. When not in use, the pendulum can be stored in its decorative leather case, which is stitched by hand with dark brown cord,...
Rose Quartz crystal pendulum with decorative carry case
DESCRIPTION A rough-cut Rose Quartz point pendulum with a Hemimorphite handle. When not in use, the pendulum can be stored in its decorative leather case, which is stitched by hand with light pink cord,...