Talismans that have stayed

Because I originally began to make crystal necklaces so I could wear some of my lovely treasures, the temptation is still always there to keep a few more to myself... Yet now it also feels a bit selfish, perhaps, when I have so many crystals whispering, saying there are special individuals waiting for them and I need to release them onwards on their journeys. But there are a few I have kept or made for myself over the years, for various reasons, and I thought it might be interesting for you to see them. So here are some of them.

These two are older, from the time I wasn't yet making crystal amulets for others:

A few years back when I started my Usui Reiki training, I wanted to have a crystal to wear for the first attunement. This is what I made for that purpose, and ended up wearing it through all of my Reiki attunements all the way to the master level. This is one of my most used talismans, I often wear it when giving Reiki treatments:

As I tend to wear a lot of dark tone clothes, another solid companion amulet over the years has been this Aegerine, which I knotted with Almandine Garnet and Dalmatian Jasper:

This next stone talisman is quite earthy, 'wabisabi' in style and somewhat different from what I most often make. It also has some fine silver included which I've hand-sculpted over the top part of the stone before firing. A few years ago when I was selling on Etsy, I listed this talisman for sale thinking that I really shouldn't keep it (as much as I wanted to). So I made a deal with myself that if it hasn't been 'claimed' by anyone for a certain number of weeks, then I will allow myself to keep it! Weeks went by and this one indeed was not bought by anyone. Only then I realised how very much this one needed to stay with me. The stone is chert from the Hatta mountains in Oman (I picked it myself. We used to drive there quite a bit while living in that part of the world). I have to admit I still do this regularly, saying to myself that if something hasn't found a new keeper within a certain time, then I'm allowed to keep it - at least I've given the crystal the option to journey on..!

One of the more peculiar ways a crystal amulet has ended up staying with me is this Citrine. Every time I begin making a crystal wearable, I inspect it very carefully, cleanse it, get to know its shape, texture, weight and all of its physical and visual details, so that I will be able to find the best way to make it wearable. I've had a few of these special Citrines come my way. They're lightbrary crystals from Congo, completely natural and un-heated, deep honey tone and simply glorious in their energy. This necklace was among a half dozen that I had professionally photographed for me (by photographer Sylvain Deleu). As you can see from below, he really caught the glow of this wonderful gem beautifully! Then, for some inexplicable reason, when I finally got around to preparing this necklace for sale, I noticed the very tip of the crystal had a chip in it! Natural crystals often have chips and dents, scratches and marks, that all add to their life story, and I certainly consider crystals all the more beautiful because of them. But I couldn't understand how I hadn't noticed this chip before. To me it didn't look 'natural', it looked like 'no, I cannot sell a damaged crystal'. Or maybe it was just my way of giving myself a reason to keep the necklace? Because the vibe of this Citrine certainly wasn't damaged one bit! It's amazing. I'm telling myself a story about this Citrine chipping itself because it would have been the only reason to have me keep this necklace to myself...

Many crystals in my collection will always stay loose and won't become wearable in themselves. I use them for grids and meditation and take them along when travelling. Therefore this 'wisdom keeper' necklace pouch in black reindeer leather has been very practical. This is also one of the very early ones, and took forever to make. But I wouldn't do without now, it's so useful!

Over the years I've made a few bracelets that were originally born from something I made for myself. One of them is the double wrap crystal bracelet and my only "limited edition" piece, a chunky Carnelian bracelet (both showing below) - even though none of those is ever identical either as the shapes and sizes of the stones differ so much. I've made many of the double wraps in various colours, I love mine as it's comfortable, easy to put on and goes with everything! I also make a new chunky Carnelian bracelet whenever I'm able to get a few more of these stunning stones. I'll never know if there will be another one, but a few of them have so far found their keepers. I hope those who wear one, love theirs as much as I do mine!

The last talisman that I made for myself came from the need to have something to wear for my Reiki/Seichem attunements. Recently I completed the Reiki/Seichem teacher training, and this beautiful Ruby came to be my companion for this journey:

And this post of course wouldn't be complete without my mala. I cherish this one dearly. The counter beads are Chiastolite, and the other gems are Lodolite, Dalmatian Jasper and Almandine Garnet. I've also had a burning wish for a long time to make two other malas for myself, and perhaps one day I can spare the time and expense to... but for now, it feels a bit greedy so this is my only one: