Zoom Crystal Bowl ~ Golden Healer Quartz
Zoom Crystal Bowl ~ Golden Healer Quartz
Zoom Crystal Bowl ~ Golden Healer Quartz
Zoom Crystal Bowl ~ Golden Healer Quartz

Crystal Bowl ~ Golden Healer Quartz

Absolutely glorious, unique crystal bowl, carved from Golden Healer Quartz and ready to be placed on your altar or living space. This can hold ritual items or ingredients, or cradle other crystals.

diameter approx. 10 cm (4") and 3 cm (1.2") high

Please see the photo where the bowl rests on the lace glove for size reference

You'll receive this crystal treasure securely padded and wrapped to protect it on the postal journey. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.

*Ships from England, UK*
(Please note, this is a heavy item, affecting a higher than standard international shipping cost.)


Crystal of the Golden Ray, raising one's energy vibration / frequency. Facilitates spiritual communications across distances. A master healer that works multi-dimensionally. Strengthens the third chakra, uniting one's own will with divine will. Promotes a positive outlook on life.

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