Zoom Crystal healing talisman with large, red tip Auralite 23
Zoom Crystal healing talisman with large, red tip Auralite 23
Zoom Crystal healing talisman with large, red tip Auralite 23
Zoom Crystal healing talisman with large, red tip Auralite 23
Zoom Crystal healing talisman with large, red tip Auralite 23

Crystal healing talisman with large, red tip Auralite 23


This stunning, raw crystal point of Auralite 23, the rare 'red tip' variety, sometimes also referred to as "Auralite Amethyst Red Cap". This rather large crystal has majestic presence. The accent crystals are small Iolite and faceted Ruby crystals on the knotted strands hanging on both sides of the Auralite, together with energy-magnifying clear Quartz crystals. This magnificent Auralite ends in a twin point, the points separating only at the very tip whilst the crystal on the whole is fused as one.

The stone attaches to a soft, chunky braid of recycled, muted purple sari silk combined with rusty red micro-macrame cord for strength.

The long necklace braid is set length, and hangs down -measured from the back of the neck to the top of the Auralite- approx. 37 cm (14.5"). The braid's all-around measurement is 74 cm (29"), with a little silk 'bow' adorning one side of the necklace braid as well.

The Auralite 23 is quite large at approx. 9 cm (3.5") tall and approx. 3 cm (1.2") at its widest.

Not every specimen of Auralite 23 include all the 23 minerals that have been found in this crystal type - however, considering the smaller points come from the main mineral vein, you can still energetically access the vibration of all the involved minerals through a single specimen: Amethyst, Limonite, Covellite, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite, Epidote, Gilalite, Bornite, Rutile, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Pyrite, Magnetite, Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Nickel, Lepidocrosite, Ajoite, Hematite, Titanite and Cacoxenite.

You'll receive this crystal healing necklace in one of Spirit Carrier's handmade fabric draw-string pouches - great for the safe-keeping of the necklace. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.

Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.

~Ships worldwide from Spirit Carrier's small artisan studio in England, UK~


Stone of purification, clearing away what might keep you from manifesting your dreams. Efficient in helping you to raise your vibration so you’ll receive beneficial insights and inspiration about your life’s direction. Eases tensions and energy blockages. Highly soothing, harmonising and rejuvenating, assisting in bringing your energy body into complete alignment. Instils a sense of knowing that you have what it takes to create a life of your choosing.

Tantric twin crystals are highly personal, tuning into their keeper's energy. They allow one to see beyond the limitations of time and space. They work in harmonising human relationships on all levels, deepening the bond between those who are already close. Embodying the energetic twin essence, these crystals are also said to help in allowing one to find one's soul mate.

Aids in making inner visions more vivid, activating the creative side of the mind. Dissolves fear of the unknown. Helps in blending everyday conscious thinking with intuitive inner knowing, initiating ideas beyond the ordinary. Awakens psychic gifts, activating and clearing the third eye. Helps accessing communication from higher vibratory realms. Helps one to act and respond to situations from one's higher guidance, to feel more motivated, less distracted.

Increases vitality and one's life-force energy, very energising, excellent for women. Promotes clear mind, motivation and concentration. Associated with love, passionate commitment and heart-based closeness, offering help in shedding past hurts. Encourages you to 'follow your bliss' and have courageous attitude. Supports closeness and commitment. Shielding crystal to keep your energy field in your own command.

The universal master crystal that has a harmonising effect on all levels of being. Easily activated by intention, so can be used for versatile purposes. Quartz can clear, enhance, amplify, transmute, balance, focus and transmit energy. Raises one's energetic vibration. Brings clarity and filters out distractions. A deep soul cleanser, attuning its keeper to their higher self. Each Quartz crystal is unique with its own character and teachings it offers, all are known as “Stones of Power” and “Master Healers”.

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