Zoom 'Flow' talisman necklace ~ pewter with Agate
Zoom 'Flow' talisman necklace ~ pewter with Agate

'Flow' talisman necklace ~ pewter with Agate


Spirit Carrier's 'Flow' talisman combining lead-free pewter with Agate (both white and grey) and Hematite. Knotted and braided with burgundy tone micro-macrame cord, strong and durable yet soft and comfortable to wear. 

Each piece is one-of-a-kind, created through an organic, intuitive process where the end result of the pewter's flow can not be predetermined. So you end up with something truly different, surprising and unique. Revelling in the uncertainty of destined marvel, whichever shape and form it takes. Luck plays its huge part in this process - you are holding a piece of solidified luck.

Approx. size of the pewter piece in this 'Flow' pendant: 
4 cm (1.6") tall / 3 cm (1.2") at its widest

You can read more about the Flow Collection in a blog post here.

Associated with the planet Jupiter, the history of tin (pewter) goes back hundreds of years. Alchemy is fundamentally concerned with the transformation of base materials into higher states of being. Tin, as an alchemical metal, embodies the process of transmutation and the potential for personal transformation and growth. Jupiter is linked to expansion, growth, and prosperity. It represents the idea of abundance, benevolent power, and the capacity for positive change, as well as broadened perspective and a deeper understanding of life's mysteries.

Jupiter is a planet of luck. The sense of being lucky fosters feelings of joy and hopefulness. All of this I wish for you. I’m pouring the wishes and manifestations of expansive luck from all corners of the universe and beyond into these pewter pendants, each unique and one-of-a-kind because life always creates itself anew.

Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.


The oldest good luck amulet. In ancient times Persian magicians were, according to legend, diverting storms with the powers of Agate. Considered a protective stone (especially for travel), said to shield its keeper against dangers. Increases inner stability, enhances personal courage and fosters self-confidence. Grounding and soothing. Balancing stone for one's energy system to experience oneness instead of duality. WHITE AGATE: Stone of spiritual development, associated with the crown chakra. Agate is protective, assists in discerning the truth, enhances personal courage, helps awaken inherent natural talents, brings prosperity.

Creates a strong sense of self and enhances the creative flow. Relieves stress. Revitalises, enhancing personal magnetism and optimism. Helps in releasing self-imposed limitations to find your own unique gifts. A stone of balance and equilibrium. Grounds when feeling scattered, allows one to maintain a natural alertness while remaining calm.

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