Zoom 55-bead Manifestation Mala
Zoom 55-bead Manifestation Mala

55-bead Manifestation Mala


Unconventional mala necklace specifically designed for affirmation/manifestation work. The bead count differs from traditional japa mala size, making for an overall shorter mala, perfect for easy wearing. You can carry this handy tool with you as a necklace and it slips quickly over head when you have a quiet moment to fill. There are altogether 55 counter beads for repeating an affirmation, which can also be used as tactile counting aid if writing down affirmations with pen on paper (without the need to count repetitions in your head or number your written repetitions).

The counter beads are knotted at master number 11 intervals, with a focus bead between each set of eleven. When you surround yourself with your specific manifestation energy in the form of these mala beads, it can help you connect with that frequency throughout your day. The energetic skills of the included crystals included in this mala are listed in the above tab. If your manifestation intentions are aligned with the specific skills that these crystals bring to you, this mala can be a successful tool for you. The tassel includes six knotted strands with matching crystal detailing.

The repetition beads in this mala are a combination of Fluorite, Lepidolite and Corundum (diameter 0.8 cm / 0.3") The four focus beads in this mala are all different: Labradorite, Lodolite, Amethyst and Golden Mica, each accented with two small Opal crystals. The action point is a cairn of Fluorite, rough cut Rose Quartz and Labradorite, from which the knotted tassel strands extend down. The tassel strands include matching crystals. Each repetition bead is knotted individually for durability and ease of handling, using purple micro-macrame cord.

The all-around length of this mala is 66 cm (26"), with the tassel length of 7.5 cm (2.9").

This unique mala comes in one of Spirit Carrier's handmade cork fabric pouches for safe-keeping. You'll receive this mala gift-wrapped at no extra charge. 

How to work with a Spirit Carrier manifestation mala:
To begin, collect the beaded tassel in the palm on your hand, centre yourself for inner balance and initiate a strong sense of feeling for the new reality you wish to create. Also be clear within your heart and mind that you are ready and willing to take full responsibility of what you are creating when it comes to manifest in your life. Then, touching the first repetition bead, state your chosen affirmation. Do the same for the next ten beads. When you reach a focus bead after repeating 11 affirmations, focus on your inner feeling about your affirmation, renew it and fortify it, feel it solidify within your being before carrying onto the next set of eleven repetition beads. But try not to 'grasp' or force the feeling, allow it to flow. Aim to hold this energy flow you connected with at the focus bead for the duration of the next 11 repetition beads. When you come to the action point (beaded tassel), conclude your session of 55 repetitions by stating your detachment from a specific outcome to allow space for your soul's higher perspective (e.g. "This, or something even better.") You can also use the tassel beads to assign actions for yourself / remind yourself about any action steps that you can physically take towards your goal. Do this daily and keep sensing any shifts that happen along the way, as well as being open to synchronicities in your daily life.

If you require specific crystals as a mala for your personal manifestation work, feel free to get in touch with me. 

Read more about Spirit Carrier mala beads




Excellent for cleansing one's aura, also detaching unwanted energy cords. Grounds excessive energy, beneficial for all levels of healing. Helpful in achieving spiritual wholeness. Protective, stabilising and harmonising stone. Facilitates personal growth. Awareness expanding. Anchors intuitive insights into the physical plane. Offers strong psychic protection, helping to discern energies one comes in contact with. Helps in being objective and focusing on what is essential. Also known as absorbing environmental EMF. The combined green and purple shades support heart-centred higher knowing and intuition.

An open, inviting stone, offering its gentle love readily when you just hold it in your hand. Useful in reducing depression and stress, it can assist in moving calmly through life transitions. In crystal healing practice, Lepidolite has been used to ease emotional traumas, panic attacks and addictions. Lepidolite is said to help you to nurture yourself and be optimistic, and to clear out ties to the past, assisting you in moving freely forward in joy and happiness.

Uplifting mineral. Increases compassion towards others. A peace keeper that shields against anger and jealousy. Said to improve stamina and strength. Helps one to see situations for what they are, while staying heart-centred. Releases energetic blocks within the body and aligns chakras. Works in a light and joyous way while helping one to see what needs changing in one's outlook.

One of the most powerful, versatile crystal tools for healing. Creates an auric shield and strengthens your innate energy and life force, preventing energy leakages. Enhances intuitive abilities and assists in spiritual transformation. Helps the wearer align with their highest destiny and discover their inner worth. Strengthens willpower and brings in new ideas. Often referred to as the 'Stone of Destiny’, believed to help you to find your true path in life, and as ‘Temple of the Stars’, anchoring higher dimensional light into your being. 

RUBY (Corundum)
Increases vitality and one's life-force energy, very energising, excellent for women. Promotes clear mind, motivation and concentration. Associated with love, passionate commitment and heart-based closeness, offering help in shedding past hurts. Encourages you to 'follow your bliss' and have courageous attitude. Supports closeness and commitment. Shielding crystal to keep your energy field in your own command.

SAPPHIRE (Corundum)
A stone of psychic activation, enhances insight and focus. Revered through ages as bringing good fortune and spiritual insight. Highly protective. Grounds higher knowledge and helps one to stay centred. Evokes the wisdom needed to see past any situation into its underlying truth. Helpful in channeling healing energy from the highest source, facilitating access to deeper levels of consciousness and freeing it’s wearer from mind-made fears. Increases learning ability. Attracts prosperity.

SHAMAN DREAM STONE (aka Lodolite, Garden Quartz)
Associated with the crown chakra, enhances one's sensitivity to invisible energies, helps in manifesting one's desires, brings harmony to one's aura, emanates strong yet gentle healing energies. Harmonises the higher vibrational energies of the aura and the light body. Gazing into this stone is said to bring about a cosmic shift of consciousness.


Instils inner peace, promotes self-discovery and aids in relaxation. Associated with the crown chakra, known as a "stone of balance" and positive transformation. Thought to increase spiritual awareness and psychic abilities, initiating higher knowing and greater understanding. Helps in assimilating new ideas and manifesting thoughts into action. Symbolises a connection to the Divine. A well-known support stone for those wanting to break old patterns to create a new, harmonious life.

Cleansing and rejuvenating heart-centred stone, helping one to recover from exhaustion quicker. Guides its keeper to more spiritual perspective about life and its meaning. Strengthens one’s resilience to outside influences.Helps in unburdening the heart, activating energies for healthy relationships and abundance.

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