Zoom Full 108-bead meditation mala with Golden Sheen Obsidian counter beads
Zoom Full 108-bead meditation mala with Golden Sheen Obsidian counter beads

Full 108-bead meditation mala with Golden Sheen Obsidian counter beads


One of a kind, contemporary 108 bead meditation mala with Golden sheen Obsidian counter beads. The three dividers are a combination of raw Sapphire, clear Topaz, blue Kyanite and Citrine.

Each counter bead is knotted one by one for durability and ease of handling, using muted blue micro-macrame cord. The counter beads also include a small faceted clear Quartz crystal at every nine bead intervals to ease your counting. The guru bead consist of Black Tourmaline and a knotted crystal 'tassel', very tactile and decorative with several small crystals adding their own energy support for the vibe of this mala: Labradorite, Mica, Smokey Quartz and Lava Stone.

All around length of mala: 108 cm (42.5") 
Counter bead diameter: 0.8 cm (0.3") 
The width of the divider combination: approx. 3 cm (1.2") 
Length of guru bead combination, incl. tassel: 8 cm (3")

Please note that Spirit Carrier malas come usually in three sizes, determined by the diameter of the main counter beads - either 8 mm, 10 mm or 12 mm. This mala has the 8 mm counter bead diameter and is probably more suited to be worn on you than the larger, heavier malas.

This mala comes in one of Spirit Carrier's handmade cork ('vegan leather') pouches for safe-keeping. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.

Read more about Spirit Carrier mala beads


Protective stone that helps one achieve harmony and solve problems relating to past, present and future. Helps in settling inner emotional conflicts and keeps one from entering into outer conflicts so one is free to follow one’s spiritual path. Shielding stone that encourages one to stay positive. Transmuting stone to keep negativity at bay. Said to open a window to one’s soul and brings out any hidden talents one may have.

'Stone of connection' that opens up energetic pathways where none existed. Enhances telepathic and psychic abilities, aligning chakras and subtle bodies. Calming and soothing, aids meditative work. Beneficial in negotiations, creating harmony between people through enhanced communication. Empowers you to stay true to your path. Helps in hearing one's intuitive guidance.

Stone of success and good fortune. Aligns and recharges body's meridians.  Clear Topaz aids in spiritual development and in clarifying one's life purpose. With the strong magnification energy of Topaz, you may reach your heart's goals and desired manifestations faster. Increases energy and vitality. Increases cosmic awareness by activating the crown and the soul star chakras. In ancient legends, Topaz was said to make its wearer invisible if needed at times of emergency.

A stone of psychic activation, enhances insight and focus. Helps the throat and third eye chakras to work in unison to strengthen and express one's inner vision. Grounds higher knowledge and helps one to stay centred. Evokes the wisdom needed to see past any situation into the underlying truth. Helpful in channeling healing energy from the highest source, facilitating access to deeper levels of consciousness. (Sapphire is one of the four ‘precious’ gemstones, the other three being Ruby, Emerald & Diamond. Other gemstones are considered ‘semi-precious’.)

Affects a powerful alignment with the higher self. Balances the emotions and helps in uplifting one's mood to be more sunny and cheerful. Brings clarity of thought, and attracts abundance and prosperity through joy. Powerful transformer in healing work. Increases self-confidence and optimism, cleanses the surrounding energies and promotes creative thinking. Releases, dissipates and transforms denser energies on all levels, mental, emotional and physical. Works to release limitations and blockages particularly around the sacral / solar plexus area.

The universal master crystal that has a harmonising effect on all levels of being. Programmable by intention, so can be used for versatile purposes. Quartz can clear, enhance, amplify, transmute, balance, focus and transmit energy. Raises one's energetic vibration. Brings clarity and filters out distractions. A deep soul cleanser, attuning its keeper to their higher self. Each Quartz crystal is unique with its own character and teachings it offers, all are known as “Stones of Power” and “Master Healers”.

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