Zoom Mala bracelet in pink tones ~ for up to 8" wrist
Zoom Mala bracelet in pink tones ~ for up to 8" wrist

Mala bracelet in pink tones ~ for up to 8" wrist


Mala bracelet with 18 main counter beads in a combination of Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Rubellite and Hemimorphite. The divider consists of five beads: three Madagascan Rose Quartz crystals which are naturally dark pink in hue and two faceted Rose Quartz crystals. The toggle stones are Rose Quartz. The counter beads are knotted individually for strength and flexibility, using light grey micro-macrame cord.

This is a handy meditation / mantra aid for times when you'd like something smaller than a full mala. You can still count up to 108 with these bracelet beads - or in multiples of 27 if you prefer. Simply count back and forth over the divider as many rounds as needed. Use the toggle crystal as the guru bead. In this mala bracelet, there are two toggle loops and the two toggle strands can be slotted through the pair in various ways to give you some leeway in the length of the mala.

Whilst the total length of this bracelet, including the toggle, is 22.5 cm (8.8") this would make a good fit for up to a 8" wrist circumference, although if you prefer a more loose fit, this is fine for a smaller wrist too (loose fit can be slipped on without opening the toggle closure, and gives you more handling room if you count mantras for example). The counter bead diameter is 0.8 cm (0.3").

This mala comes in one of Spirit Carrier's handmade cork fabric pouches for safe-keeping, and gift-wrapped at no extra charge.

Read more about Spirit Carrier mala beads


Powerful love stone, love that is all-encompassing and unconditional. Awakens one’s heart to its own innate love, compassion and acceptance. Vibrates its loving energy to all chakras, offering gentle healing. Soothing and calming. Dissolves anger and resentment. Good for raising one's self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. Balances emotions and is said to support all types of healing. Guides one’s life path towards a sense of personal fulfilment and contentment.


Known for its capacity to bring emotional healing, releasing blockages in the heart chakra. Balances emotions during chaotic times. Restores calm after emotional upheavals. Beneficial for the harmony of close relationships. A beautiful stone specifically for discovering one’s inner gifts and can act as a catalyst for fulfilling one’s life purpose. Stone of self-confidence that supports you in trusting your own heart.

RUBELLITE (aka Pink Tourmaline)
Considered a rare, valuable crystal, Rubellite (pink Tourmaline) stimulates the heart chakra and life-force energy. A stone of quiet authority, instilling peaceful vibes in the midst of disputes. Harmonises one's feminine energies and has a nurturing energy. Helps in overcoming fears of lack and supports those who might not feel like belonging in this world to find joy of life.

Stone for developing and amplifying one’s psychic abilities, sometimes also called ‘Buddha Stone’. Propels one towards personal transformation, considered a good healing stone for personal relationships. Enhances communication skills through increased compassion and self-confidence, by aligning heart, throat and third eye chakras. Dissolves negative emotional patterns such as anger, and also on the other hand protecting from malice. Attracts happiness, joy and good fortune.


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