Zoom 'Shielding & Courage' ~ crystal grid set

'Shielding & Courage' ~ crystal grid set


Crystal grid set with 19 crystals in a leather drawstring pouch, comes with Spirit Carrier's 'Flower of Life' sacred geometry base. You can use the photo here as a guide how to set the crystals on the grid when you receive it, or you may choose to change the positions according to your own intuitive guidance - as well as substituting some with crystal from your own collection. 

The crystals in this grid (pictured) that you receive, are not programmed as such by me or set with any specific intentions. However, they are selected and chosen specifically with an intention of increasing a sense of safety in one's life as well as your courage to deal with anything that comes your way - whatever form it may take for you personally. The crystals are cleansed and energised with the methods I use for the crystals that I send on from my studio, and they're empowered to purely embody their own full potential and crystal soul essence. Please read the individual crystal properties associated with the nine different types of crystals in this grid and when you set up the grid, do so with a clear intention for you wishes of being shielded and embodying courage in your own life. Once your grid is set in your chosen calm place, focus on your intention. If you have adopted your own methods for activating a crystal grid, do what feels natural to you. If you're new to crystal grids, there's no complexity needed. Simply hold your focus, state your intention clearly and feel a heart connection with the grid. You may use your hand/fingers to touch the centre stone (and the others) if this helps your focus. You will feel a flow of energy and learn to notice whether through a physical sensation in your body or a general feeling within when the grid resonates as complete and you can allow it to be.

Most of all relax, follow your own intuition and enjoy!

Crystals included for this grid (19):

1x Snowflake Obsidian heart
2x Black Kyanite
2x Tiger Eye
2x Apache Tear
2x Epidote
2x Jet
4x Black Tourmaline
2x Almandine Garnet
2x Sichuan Quartz

You'll receive the above crystals in a handmade drawstring leather pouch, and of course with the pictured 'Flower of Life' grid base. If you'd rather have a fabric pouch, please let me know at the time of purchase.

NEW: Spirit Carrier's upgraded crystal grid bases have arrived! They're thicker, with white crystalline background and a lovely 'velvety feel' surface - I'll send you one of these new bases too with this grid set so you can choose which of the two bases you want to build your grid on.


Promotes a sense of calm and inner equilibrium, bringing balance to body, mind and spirit. A grounding, protective stone. Eases worries and when carried/worn helps one to stay balanced and centred throughout the day. Native American shamans often carried Snowflake Obsidian as a powerful talisman to avert evil and bring good fortune, also considering it to be the guardian of the Great Spirit.

Cleanses one’s energy field, aligning subtle bodies into harmony. High vibrational grounding crystal, with strong protective qualities. Good for shielding one’s personal energetic space. Repairs the aura by healing holes and tears. Removes attachments from the auric field. Stimulates intuition, insights and inner visions. Excellent tool for energy workers.

One of the most well-known protective stones, shielding its user from negativity. A shamanic stone used for grounding during vision quests. Empowering for those who work in challenging environments. Purifies and transforms denser energies into lighter vibrations and is also detoxifying for the body. If you're sensitive to electromagnetic smog, you may get relief by wearing black Tourmaline.

Stone of protection and purification, helping to keep negativity at bay. Often used to stabilise finances and protect businesses, but also as a shield against psychic attacks and removing energetic attachments. Assists in spiritual advancement and the rise of kundalini energy. Enlists the help of Earth energy in manifesting one’s desires. Calming for those battling with difficulties. Comforting stone, mood-balancing, easing anxiety and fears. Increases self-reliance and helps in the process of life changes.

Encourages you to approach life with a positive outlook, clearing emotional residue and confusion from the heart chakra. Good for feeling grounded and connected to nature even in a city environment. Aids clear thinking and connecting to your own power. Considered a magnet for prosperity and abundance for those who are generous at heart.

Stimulates one's life force. Opens the root chakra while drawing earth energy into the body, helping you to feel secure and centred. Awakens the "inner fire" of creativity. Highly protective stone and a great companion to keep you energised. Excellent good fortune and 'success' stone in both social and career ventures, adding positive vibes both in your personal or business life. Stone of purification and cleansing. Symbolises passionate, devoted love.

Known for easing the stronghold of deeply felt sorrow. Beneficial for healing grief that may be carried in one’s energy structure through life times and soul’s ancestral connections. Companion crystal for finding light within darkness, accessing purely felt emotions and journeying through them to a sense of optimism. Connecting to Higher Guidance within to bring in new strength and comforting balance.

Helpful stone for learning to feel connected to one’s personal strength. Excellent stone for attracting prosperity. But it has also a highly spiritual energy and is useful in understanding any life cycle that one is living through. Helps in seeing through illusions and discerning the truth in any situation. A highly protective stone. Good for strengthening the solar plexus (3rd) chakra and developing one’s will power and courage.

Spiritually attuned to the white flame of pure consciousness, activating the crown and the third eye chakras. Aligns all the energy bodies, bringing forth a meditative state, peace and present moment awareness. Expands your consciousness and opens up psychic channels. Releases old, stagnant emotions, cleanses one’s auric field and releases negative thoughts. Emanates a strong “OM” vibration. Can be used to intensify attunements, find out about soul lessons and to bring deep healing for all levels of being. Double-terminated Sichuan Quartz brings powerful spiritual protection and purification.


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