Bronzite crystal healing amulet
Crystal healing talisman with smooth oval-shaped Bronzite cabochon. The highlighting crystals dangling by the sides of this main stone are Rhodonite and Fire Agate, combined with a piece of black coral and a wing-shaped charm carved in sandalwood. The long necklace braid is a combination of peace silk and cream tone satin cord, with natural white micro-macrame cord for added strength.
The necklace braid is long and of set length, allowing the Bronzite to hang down approx. 46 cm (18") measured from the back of the neck to the top edge of the Bronzite. The all-around length of the necklace braid is 92 cm (36").
The Bronzite is just over 4.5 cm (1.8") tall and 3.5 cm (1.4") wide at its middle.
There are no metals in this necklace so would be particularly suitable for those with metal sensitivities / metal allergy, energy workers and those who simply prefer not to wear metal.
You'll receive this crystal healing necklace in one of Spirit Carrier's handmade fabric draw-string pouches - great for the safe-keeping of the necklace. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.
Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.
Encourages loving, non-judgemental mindset. Helps in gaining certainty about one's decisions and the right course of action. Bronzite is said to bring harmony into discordant situations, protective when the wearer might feel a lack of control. Instils a feeling of calmness when having "many irons in the fire". A stone of focused action. Grounds you into the knowing that “All Is Well".
Generates serenity and peace while absorbing negative energy. Excellent for psychic protection and for guarding one’s personal space. Inspires creativity and enhances the flow of creative ideas. Associated with the third chakra, the ‘seat of the soul’, guarding one’s personal power and strength from outside influences. Digs deep to heal hidden emotions that might hold you back in life. Energetically cleansing, and said to help in detoxing the body.
Known for its capacity to bring emotional healing, releasing blockages in the heart chakra. Balances emotions during chaotic times. Restores calm after emotional upheavals. Beneficial for the harmony of close relationships. A beautiful stone specifically for discovering one’s inner gifts and can act as a catalyst for fulfilling one’s life purpose. Stone of self-confidence that supports you in trusting your own heart.
Assists in taking decisive action in unclear situations. Connects with one's inner courage to go after one's goals. Helpful in overcoming creative blocks of any kinds. Promotes inner stability. Forms a protective auric shield. Grounding and revitalising. It can alleviate the emotional charge in problems, and enhances all healing energies. Helps you to tap into your own perfection.