One of a kind, contemporary 108 bead meditation mala with Bronzite beads. The three dividers are a combination of Citrine, Crazy Lace Agate and Amber. The guru bead consists of Agarwood, Citrine and Amber. The divider Citrines in this mala is close to clear with just a hint of pale gold - all natural and un-heated with some inclusions within that give these crystals depth and dimension.
Each counter bead is knotted one by one for durability and ease of handling, using golden brown micro-macrame cord.
All around length of mala: 123 cm (48")
Counter bead diameter: 0.8 cm (0.3")
The width of the divider combination: approx. 4.5 cm (1.8")
Length of guru bead crystal combination: 7.5 cm (3")
Please note that Spirit Carrier malas come usually in three sizes, determined by the diameter of the main counter beads - either 8 mm, 10 mm or 12 mm. This mala is the smallest size with 8 mm counter bead diameter and is probably more suited to be worn on you than the larger, heavier malas. The 8 mm size mala also includes a divider bead at intervals of every nine counter beads - in this one the small divider is clear Quartz.
This mala comes in one of my handmade soft brown leather pouches for safe-keeping. If you would rather have a fabric pouch, please let me know at the time of purchase. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.
Read more about Spirit Carrier mala beads
Encourages loving, non-judgemental mindset. Helps in gaining certainty about one's decisions and the right course of action. Bronzite is said to bring harmony into discordant situations, protective when the wearer might feel a lack of control. Instills a feeling of calmness when having "many irons in the fire". A stone of focused action. Instills a feeling of "all is well".
A stone of laughter and happiness, offering support and encouragement, elevating one’s mood and promoting optimism. Uplifting stone that alleviates emotional pain and promotes self-acceptance. Useful for overcoming any kind of trauma, encouraging one to start over. Promotes inner stability.
Affects a powerful alignment with the higher self. Balances the emotions and helps in uplifting one's mood to be more sunny and cheerful. Brings clarity of thought, and attracts abundance through joy. Powerful transformer in healing work. Increases self-confidence and optimism, cleanses the surrounding energies and promotes creative thinking. Releases, dissipates and transforms denser energies on all levels, mental, emotional and physical. Works to release limitations and blockages particularly around the sacral / solar plexus area.
Amber is like liquid sunshine, it transmutes negative energies into positive, cheers you up and helps you take action to make your ideas reality. Cleansing effect on the body, mind and spirit, promoting self-confidence and creative self-expression. Encourages spontaneity, patience and inner wisdom.
The universal master crystal that has a harmonising effect on all levels of being. Programmable by intention, so can be used for versatile purposes. Quartz can clear, enhance, amplify, transmute, balance, focus and transmit energy. Raises one's energetic vibration. Attunes its keeper to their higher self. Known as the "Stone of Power" and "Master Healer".
(Not a crystal but wood, included here for its powerful vibe.)
Traditionally regarded as a valuable aid on one's spiritual journey, bringing enlightenment and clarity as well as a sense of deep inner peace. Experienced practitioners recommend Agarwood for providing motivation and devotion for meditation.