Zoom Altar elements ~ set of 7
Zoom Altar elements ~ set of 7
Zoom Altar elements ~ set of 7

Altar elements ~ set of 7


For anyone who uses crystals or any other beautiful objects for energy work in their living or working space, here's a set of elements to include in your rituals or for building your sacred space. These can also be used as part of your crystal grids for energy flow and activation.

Altar elements included:
- Shungite wand
- Pewter disk (lead-free)
- Wood heart
- Flint hagstone
- Wishing rock (Shale)
- Black Sichuan Quartz (double-terminated)
- Pearly trocha sea shell spiral

Size references: 
Shungite wand - 9.5 cm (3.7") in longest dimension
Pewter disk - 5 cm (2") diameter
Wood heart - 4.5 cm (1.8") tall
Flint hagstone - 4 cm tall (1.6") in longest dimension

Wishing rock - 3 cm (1.2") tall
Sichuan Quartz - 3.5 cm (1.4") tall
Sea shell spiral - 6 cm (2.4") tall, 5.5 cm (2.2") base diameter

You'll receive these altar elements energetically cleansed and securely packaged, ready to use for your own purpose.


Protector and purifier. Reveals truths in one's life and initiates meaningful changes for the highest good, even if the process isn’t always comfortable. Excellent stone to protect from electromagnetic radiation across large frequency range as well as from geopathic stress. Connecting to the cosmic flow, directs one to reach one’s full potential in life, assisting in staying focused and centered, following one’s true path. Can be used to help access ancient memories and soul wisdom.

Spiritually attuned to the white flame of pure consciousness, activating the crown and the third eye chakras. Aligns all the energy bodies, bringing forth a meditative state, peace and present moment awareness. Expands your consciousness and opens up psychic channels. Releases old, stagnant emotions, cleanses one’s auric field and releases negative thoughts. Emanates a strong “OM” vibration. Can be used to intensify attainments, find out about karmic lessons and to bring deep healing for all levels of being. Double-terminated Sichuan Quartz brings powerful spiritual protection and purification.

Soothing tool when wanting to change how you feel, making it easier to let go of stress, sadness or anxiety. Helpful when wanting to expand your horizons, to have a go at different things, try something new. Opens up possibilities and a bigger future. Enhances creativity and productivity. Supports you in perseverance to accomplish things. Assists your intuition in guiding you away from what isn’t good for you and directs towards positive outcomes.

Ancient protection amulet, calling in spiritual guides and allies. Helps cut away anything that is not in your highest good, dissolving energetic blockages and detaching negative etheric ties from the aura and chakras. Increases self-esteem and courage. Excellent electromagnetic conductor, thus useful for those who are sensitive to EMF pollution. Purifies its environment. Said to prevent nightmares. Known as a "Portal Stone", facilitating your connection with higher dimensions and with your true self. Grounding vibe, which resonating with the Earth Star chakra, yet also corresponds to the Soul Star chakra, offering spiritual expansion and allowing you to ground higher spiritual knowledge into your physical existence.


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