Zoom Crystal double-wrap bracelet in colourful earthy tones ~ for wrist size up to 6.5"

Crystal double-wrap bracelet in colourful earthy tones ~ for wrist size up to 6.5"


Easy to wear daily favourite that matches many outfits too ~ a 14.5" (37 cm) long line of energy activated crystals that wraps snuggly around 6.5" wrist twice. The closing toggle clasp consists of two strands, Amber and Bronzite - both can be slipped through the knotted loop to close the bracelet securely.

The collection of gems in this bracelet is a veritable feast! Along the strand you'll find Amber, Rhodonite, Llanite, Bronzite, Picasso Jasper, Rhyolite, Rubellite Tourmaline, Verdelite Tourmaline, Hematite, red Tiger Eye and Dalmatian Jasper (the properties of the four most prominent crystals in this bracelet are listed under the 'crystal properties' tab). The bracelet is strung on mid-brown micro-macrame cord, alternating the crystals with matt brown glass seed beads.

This crystal healing bracelet comes in a fabric drawstring pouch, and gift-wrapped at no extra charge. 


The main crystal vibe in this wrap bracelet comes from these crystals:

Amber is like sunshine solidified, offering a wonderful sense of health and wellbeing. Transmutes negative energies into positive, excellent for psychic protection. Cheers you up and helps you take action to make your ideas reality - ideal manifestation aid. Cleansing effect on the body, mind and spirit, promoting self-confidence and creative self-expression. Encourages spontaneity, patience and inner wisdom.

Known for its capacity to bring emotional healing, releasing blockages in the heart chakra. Balances emotions during chaotic times. Restores calm after emotional upheavals. Beneficial for the harmony of close relationships. A beautiful stone specifically for discovering one’s inner gifts and can act as a catalyst for fulfilling one’s life purpose. Stone of self-confidence that supports you in trusting your own heart.

Encourages loving, non-judgemental mindset. Helps in gaining certainty about one's decisions and the right course of action. Bronzite is said to bring harmony into discordant situations, protective when the wearer might feel a lack of control. Instils a feeling of calmness when having "many irons in the fire". A stone of focused action. Grounds you into the knowing that “All Is Well".

Balancing stone on all levels, alleviating anxiety and worries. Builds emotional strength in view of fulfilling ones dreams and goals. Shifts energy towards moving forward, assists in visualising desired change. Ignites creativity, helping to make things happen in one’s life and to tap into one’s innate abilities. Also thought to help its keeper to look and feel younger!

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