Crystal healing talisman with unusual sand concretion stone from Moroccan desert. This stone's both sides (i.e. also the backside of the stone) show a unique indentation pattern. This naturally formed, mysterious looking stone attaches to a soft necklace braid of botanically eco-dyed silk, taupe tone silk embroidery ribbon, peace silk yarn ('peace silk' is a name of silk made by ethical process where no silk worms were harmed) and greyish brown micro-macrame cord. The colour tone is light and earthy, the braid shows tones of beige, grey, cream, peach and yellow. The highlighting crystals adorning both sides of the main stone are Pyrite, Dravite, Agate and Gold Rutile Quartz.
This enigmatic stone makes a unique connection with its chosen keeper - it doesn't seem to do justice to simply write a short description of its energetic properties. My best advice would be to first wear this one continuously for about a week to deeply connect with this stone. Handle it often, run your fingers along the contours of the stone, imagine your heart greeting the wisdom contained within this stone. Little by little you'll begin to notice how the stone communicates with you in a way that's unique just for you.
The necklace braid is set length, with an all around measurement of approx. 77 cm (30"). The Sandstone is approx. 5.5 cm (2.2") tall, 2.5 cm (1") at its widest and just under 2 cm (0.8") thick.
You'll receive this crystal healing talisman in one of my handmade fabric draw-string pouches - great for the safe-keeping of the necklace. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.
Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.
Ancient sand concretion stone, a powerful ally for shamanic journeying. Visionary stone that allows you to explore your ancestral timelines in all directions. Protective companion stone keeping you centred in the moment while bringing in wisdom from higher dimensions. Activates third eye and crown chakra, increasing the level of your intuition. Assists in overcoming subconscious fears and blockages on your life path. Awakens your inner courage to find a way in any situation.
DRAVITE (aka Brown Tourmaline, Champagne Tourmaline, Dravide)
Soothing and reassuring, contributes to a peaceful atmosphere in its vicinity. Helps you feel at ease in a crowd. Deeply cleansing energetically. Empowering stone, inspires courage and increases stamina in situations where needed. Improves self-esteem, guiding you to accept yourself on all levels and to move on with life. Good stone in enhancing creativity.
A master assistant in self-discovery, a companion in finding one's inner truth, purpose and destiny. Joyful and energising. Thought to offer protection against psychic attacks and helps in opening up to one’s Divine strength. Assists in activating one’s creativity and manifesting dreams into reality.
Taps into your innate abilities, bringing confidence and perseverance to aim for your goals. A shielding stone that helps you see the truth in the motives of others. Increases vitality and enhances your assertive qualities. Helpful in turning melancholy into feeling empowered and more light-hearted. Helps in letting go thoughts of misfortune and worry, thus making it an excellent stone for manifesting abundance. Symbolises the warmth and presence of sun, attracting also abundance of love, friendship and success. Also excellent stone against electromagnetic fog.
The oldest good luck amulet. In ancient times Persian magicians were, according to legend, diverting storms with the powers of Agate. Considered a protective stone (especially for travel), said to shield its keeper against dangers. Increases inner stability, enhances personal courage and fosters self-confidence. Grounding and soothing. Balancing stone for one's energy system to experience oneness instead of duality.