Crystal healing amulet with double-terminated Quartz
Crystal healing amulet with smooth, double-terminated clear Quartz crystal point, showing a stunning rainbow within. The necklace is beaded with colourful pastel tone crystals of Fluorite, Aventurine, Rose Quartz (the naturally deep pink Madagascan variety), Jade, Epidote in Prehnite, Citrine and Quartz. The ends of the light grey necklace braids are decorated with matching crystals. This is easy daily wear, pure crystal energy with a multitude of properties to benefit your life.
The double-terminated Quartz is approx. 3.5 cm (1.4") tall, and the row of crystals extends approx. 11 cm (4.3) on both sides. The necklace length is adjustable from as short as you wish to just above the heart level.
There are no metals in this necklace so would be particularly suitable for those with metal sensitivities, energy workers and those who simply prefer not to wear metal.
You'll receive this crystal healing necklace in one of my fabric draw-string pouches, great for the safe-keeping of the necklace. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.
Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.
Due to a point in both ends, energy flows freely to both directions through this crystal, offering a sense of 'flow' in life. Particularly useful when working to help other people, or when doing healing work on oneself. Excellent for balancing and aligning the chakras. Can be used as a bridge between any two things, such as spirit and matter for example.
Powerful love stone, love that is all-encompassing and unconditional. Awakens one’s heart to its own innate love, compassion and acceptance. Vibrates its loving energy to all chakras, offering gentle healing. Soothing and calming. Dissolves anger and resentment. Good for raising one's self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. Balances emotions and is said to support all types of healing. Guides one’s life path towards a sense of personal fulfilment and contentment.
Prehnite is a strongly protective stone, said to be "the healer's healer". It fosters a sense of trust in the Universe and helps you protect your boundaries so it's easier to say "no" when needed. Prehnite is also revitalising and said to bring inner peace. Epidote within the Prehnite is an energy enhancer, so it gives an extra boost to the crystal's energy. It encourages you to approach life with a positive outlook, clearing emotional residue and confusion from the heart chakra. Epidote is also considered a magnet for prosperity and great for physical recovery.
Known throughout history as the stone of balance, peace and prosperity. Helps in advancing the human consciousness to higher levels. Strongly protective stone, strengthening the auric field. Yellow Jade promotes self-sufficiency, keeps its keeper out of harms way, a stone of joy and good luck, bringing vitality and quiet strength.
Affects a powerful alignment with the higher self. Balances the emotions and helps in uplifting one's mood to be more sunny and cheerful. Brings clarity of thought, and attracts abundance and prosperity through joy. Powerful transformer in healing work. Increases self-confidence and optimism, cleanses the surrounding energies and promotes creative thinking. Releases, dissipates and transforms denser energies on all levels, mental, emotional and physical. Works to release limitations and blockages particularly around the sacral / solar plexus area.
Attuned to the Third Eye chakra, enhancing intuitive visions and their accuracy. Promotes calm, rational thinking, directing one’s activities toward an intended purpose. Fosters clear communication skills, inspiring honesty and sense of justice. Heals soul fragmentation through life times and aids cellular memory healing.
GREEN AVENTURINE (also referred to as Adventurine)
Known as ‘Stone of Opportunity’, considered to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity. The energy of this stone is thought to boost one’s chances in every situation. Releases old habits, disadvantageous patterns and disappointments, increasing one’s optimism and confidence. Enhances motivation, perseverance and creativity. Helps in embracing change, even with a sense of humour. Also a comforting and harmonious heart healer.