Crystal healing double wrap bracelet in blue tones ~ for 6.5" wrist
Easy to wear daily favourite that matches many outfits too ~ a 15" (38 cm) long line of energy activated crystals that wraps snuggly around a 6.5" wrist twice. The closing toggle clasp consists of two strands, Kyanite and Aquamarine - both can be slipped through the knotted loop to close the bracelet securely.
The combination of gems in this bracelet create a smooth energy flow - the bracelet strand includes Sodalite, Apatite, Lapis Lazuli and Aquamarine. The bracelet is strung on blue micro-macrame cord, alternating the crystals with matt brown glass seed beads, knotted at regular intervals for strength.
This one-of-a-kind bracelet comes in a fabric drawstring pouch, and gift-wrapped at no extra charge.
Aids the development of psychic abilities and intuition, accelerating the process. Stimulates latent creative abilities. Supportive for public speaking. May open up insights relating to communication and one's inner truths, as well as assisting in living up to one's ideals. Supports building self-esteem. Known as an EMF shield.
'Stone of connection' that opens up energetic pathways where none existed. Enhances telepathic and psychic abilities, aligning chakras and subtle bodies. Calming and soothing, aids meditative work. Beneficial in negotiations, creating harmony between people through enhanced communication. Empowers you to stay true to your path. Helps in hearing one's intuitive guidance.
Connected with the throat chakra, easing verbal self-expression. Helps you communicate your own truth and find your voice. Helps in looking at emotional situations from other perspectives, assists in opening up intuition and to calmly be in the flow of life. Aquamarine also aids in reaching deep meditative states. Resonates with the energy of the ocean. Stone of courage and protection.
Creativity super charger stone. Ignites new ideas and encourages different creative ways of thinking. Stone of truthfulness, openness, inner power, intuition and manifestation. Thought to increase self-confidence as well as to promote spiritual healing, mental calmness and strength of will. Powerful tool for dream work. Historically a stone of royalty.
Enhances one's insight and imagination, and gives increased self-confidence. Blue Apatite connects to high level of spiritual guidance and is helpful in letting go of anything that no longer serves your highest good. Apatite crystal is also said to be a good aid in curbing one's appetite!