Zoom Crystal healing double wrap bracelet / short necklace
Zoom Crystal healing double wrap bracelet / short necklace

Crystal healing double wrap bracelet / short necklace


Easy to wear daily favourite in warm bright tones ~ a 14.5" (37 cm) long line of energy activated crystals that wraps snuggly around a 6.5" wrist twice. Or you may choose to wear this as a short choker-style necklace. The closing toggle stones are Citrine and Apatite - both can be slipped through the knotted loop to close the bracelet securely.

The combination of gems in this bracelet create a smooth energy flow - Chrysocolla, Sapphire, Citrine, Apatite, Aqua Terra Jasper, Crazy Lace Agate, Picasso Jasper, Tiger Eye, Tourmaline and Carnelian. The bracelet is strung on petrol blue micro-macrame cord, alternating the crystals with matte brown, organically shaped seed beads, knotted at regular intervals for strength. The largest crystal in the mix is Chrysocolla (approx. 2 cm / 0.8" in its longest dimension) and the rarest gem a raw Sapphire with a record-keeper formation (a raised triangle shape on the stone's surface).

This one-of-a-kind bracelet comes in a fabric drawstring pouch, and gift-wrapped at no extra charge.

Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.


The five main crystal energies:

Stone of the Wise Woman, of feminine empowerment. Associated with tranquility and intuition. Brings out one's inner strength, releasing old hurts such as feelings of guilt. Heals heartaches and promotes confidence, sensitivity and motivation. Helps those in position of guiding or teaching others, to communicate their knowledge and experience lovingly to others. Excellent stone for emotional balance and creative endeavours.

Affects a powerful alignment with the higher self. Balances the emotions and helps in uplifting one's mood to be more sunny and cheerful. Brings clarity of thought, and attracts abundance and prosperity through joy. Powerful transformer in healing work. Increases self-confidence and optimism, cleanses the surrounding energies and promotes creative thinking. Releases, dissipates and transforms denser energies on all levels, mental, emotional and physical. Works to release limitations and blockages particularly around the sacral / solar plexus area.

A stone of psychic activation, enhances insight and focus. Helps the throat and third eye chakras to work in unison to strengthen and express one's inner vision. Grounds higher knowledge and helps one to stay centred. Evokes the wisdom needed to see past any situation into the underlying truth. Helpful in channeling healing energy from the highest source, allowing access to deeper levels of consciousness. (Sapphire is one of the four ‘precious’ gemstones, the other three being Ruby, Emerald & Diamond. Other gemstones are considered ‘semi-precious’.)

Enhances one's insight and imagination, and gives increased self-confidence. Connects to high level of spiritual guidance and is helpful in letting go of anything that no longer serves your highest good. Helpful in bringing one’s vision into reality and overcoming difficulties. Useful for energy workers, helping to maintain a clear energy field and balanced focus. Apatite crystal is also said to be a good aid in curbing one's appetite!

Stone of inner peace and clarity. It has a loving and compassionate vibe. Helps with the alignment of one's 'Light' bodies and assists with emotional healing.

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