Zoom Double-terminated Quartz point crystal healing amulet
Zoom Double-terminated Quartz point crystal healing amulet
Zoom Double-terminated Quartz point crystal healing amulet
Zoom Double-terminated Quartz point crystal healing amulet

Double-terminated Quartz point crystal healing amulet


Crystal healing amulet with smooth, double-terminated clear Quartz crystal point, combined with the energies of Pyrite and Lodolite. The necklace is beaded in a simple pattern with the combination of grey and light beige micro-macrame cords. The ends of the necklace braids are decorated with matching crystals. This is easy daily wear, pure crystal energy with desirable properties to benefit your life.

The double-terminated Quartz is approx. 3 cm (1.2") tall, and the row of alternating Pyrite and Lodolite crystals extends approx. 18 cm (7") on both sides. The necklace length is adjustable from as short as you wish to just above the heart level.

There are no metals in this necklace so would be particularly suitable for those with metal sensitivities, energy workers and those who simply prefer not to wear metal.

You'll receive this crystal healing necklace in one of Spirit Carrier's fabric draw-string pouches, great for the safe-keeping of the necklace. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.

Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.


Due to a point in both ends, energy flows freely to both directions through this crystal, offering a sense of 'flow' in life. Particularly useful when working to help other people, or when doing healing work on oneself. Excellent for balancing and aligning the chakras. Can be used as a bridge between any two things, such as spirit and matter for example.

Taps into your innate abilities, bringing confidence and perseverance to aim for your goals. A shielding stone that helps you see the truth in the motives of others. Increases vitality and enhances your assertive qualities. Helpful in turning melancholy into feeling empowered and more light-hearted. Helps in letting go thoughts of misfortune and worry, thus making it an excellent stone for manifesting abundance. Symbolises the warmth and presence of sun, attracting also abundance of love, friendship and success. Also excellent stone against electromagnetic fog.

LODOLITE (aka Shaman Dream Stone, Garden Quartz)
Associated with the crown chakra, enhances one's sensitivity to invisible energies, helps in manifesting one's desires, brings harmony to one's aura, emanates strong yet gentle healing energies. Harmonises the higher vibrational energies of the aura and the light body. Gazing into this stone is said to bring about a cosmic shift of consciousness.

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