Zoom 'Flow' talisman necklace ~ pewter with Topaz
Zoom 'Flow' talisman necklace ~ pewter with Topaz
Zoom 'Flow' talisman necklace ~ pewter with Topaz

'Flow' talisman necklace ~ pewter with Topaz


Spirit Carrier's 'Flow' talisman combining lead-free pewter with clear Topaz, Sodalite and Dumortierite. Knotted and braided with dark blue micro-macrame cords, strong and durable yet soft and comfortable to wear. 

Each piece is one-of-a-kind, created through an organic, intuitive process where the end result of the pewter's flow can not be predetermined. So you end up with something truly different, surprising and unique. Revelling in the uncertainty of destined marvel, whichever shape and form it takes. Luck plays its huge part in this process - you are holding a piece of solidified luck.

Approx. size of the pewter piece in this 'Flow' pendant: 
7 cm (2.8") tall / 2 cm (0.8") at its widest

You can read more about the Flow Collection in a blog post here.

Associated with the planet Jupiter, the history of tin (pewter) goes back hundreds of years. Alchemy is fundamentally concerned with the transformation of base materials into higher states of being. Tin, as an alchemical metal, embodies the process of transmutation and the potential for personal transformation and growth. Jupiter is linked to expansion, growth, and prosperity. It represents the idea of abundance, benevolent power, and the capacity for positive change, as well as broadened perspective and a deeper understanding of life's mysteries.

Jupiter is a planet of luck. The sense of being lucky fosters feelings of joy and hopefulness. All of this I wish for you. I’m pouring the wishes and manifestations of expansive luck from all corners of the universe and beyond into these pewter pendants, each unique and one-of-a-kind because life always creates itself anew.

Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.


Stone of success and good fortune. Aligns and recharges body's meridians. Clear Topaz aids in spiritual development and in clarifying one's life purpose. With the strong magnification energy of Topaz, you may reach your heart's goals and desired manifestations faster. Increases energy and vitality. Increases cosmic awareness by activating the crown and the soul star chakras. In ancient legends, Topaz was said to make its wearer invisible if needed at times of emergency.

Aids the development of psychic abilities, accelerating the process of unlocking deep intuitive talents. Stimulates latent creative abilities. Dissolves internal conflicts, balancing strengths and perceived weaknesses. Supportive for public speaking. Opens up insights relating to articulating one's inner truths, finding the right words at the right time, as well as assisting in living up to one's ideals. Supports healthy self-esteem, stabilises emotions. Thought to help as a shield against EMF.

Stone of support and inner harmony. Offers soothing vibrations that encourage patience with the natural order of the Universe. Aids one's mental capabilities in overcoming tough situations. Regulates the third eye chakra. Acts as a protective shield against fear. Stabilising for relationships, also said to attract a soulmate.

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