Golden Healer Quartz
This breathtaking Golden Healer old soul cannot be done justice in photographs. The inner landscape has many layers and there is an iridescent area on one of its surfaces, as well as natural striation markings. The small grains of Mica on the rougher areas add further energetic dimension. There is a distinct companionship energy about this crystal, perfect for meditation or being an active part of a crystal healing practice or a trusted frequency tool in a crystal grid.
Size: 7.5 cm (3") at its longest, just over 3 cm (1.2") at its widest
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Crystal of the Golden Ray, raising one's energy vibration / frequency. Facilitates spiritual communications across distances. A master healer that works multi-dimensionally. Strengthens the third chakra, uniting one's own will with divine will. Promotes a positive outlook on life.
Uplifting mineral. Increases compassion towards others. A peace keeper that shields against anger and jealousy. Said to improve stamina and strength. Helps one to see situations for what they are, while staying heart-centred. Releases energetic blocks within the body and aligns chakras. Works in a light and joyous way while helping one to see what needs changing in one's outlook.