'Hidden Strength' ~ protective amulet with Black Coral, Lava Stone & clear Quartz
Protective amulet necklace combining the energies of Black Coral, Lava Stone & clear Quartz. The Black Coral also displays a beautiful natural golden hue along some of its length. The necklace is minimally braided with black micro-macrame cord, with the ends of the adjustable necklace cords decorated with the same combination of crystals. This brings the crystal energy also for the chakras at the back, which is beneficial especially for energy shielding purposes. This necklace is exceptionally light in weight as the coral is not heavy. Perfect for those who prefer smaller size necklaces.
The length of the necklace is adjustable from very short down to just above solar plexus level. The crystal pendant is approx. 5.5 cm (2.2") tall, measured from the top of the central Lava Stone to the base of the Black Coral.
There are no metals in this necklace so would be particularly suitable for those with metal sensitivities, energy workers and those who simply prefer not to wear metal.
You'll receive this crystal healing necklace in one of my fabric draw-string pouches, great for the safe-keeping of the necklace. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.
Generates serenity and peace while absorbing negative energy. Offers superior psychic protection. Inspires creativity and enhances the flow of creative ideas. Associated with the third chakra, the ‘seat of the soul’, guarding one’s personal power and strength from outside influences. Digs deep to heal those hidden emotions, whether fear, anger or any other negative emotion, so that you can release any blockages holding you back in life. Energetically cleansing, and said to help in detoxing the body. (If you spend a lot of time in challenging environments, it is good to energetically cleanse your Black Coral regularly.)
Stone of vitality, assertiveness and passion. Provides stability in times of change. Grounding and protective. Supports courage and decisiveness. Helps in finding one's 'life path'. Encourages personal development and growth.
The universal master crystal that has a harmonising effect on all levels of being. Programmable by intention, so can be used for versatile purposes. Quartz can clear, enhance, amplify, transmute, balance, focus and transmit energy. Raises one's energetic vibration. Brings clarity and filters out distractions. A deep soul cleanser, attuning its keeper to their higher self. Each Quartz crystal is unique with its own character and teachings it offers, all are known as “Stones of Power” and “Master Healers”.