Zoom Obsidian disk ~ cleanser / charger plate

Obsidian disk ~ cleanser / charger plate

Excellent for easy cleansing and charging of other crystals. Or you can leave your Spirit Carrier amulet on this Obsidian surface overnight which is a simple way of keeping your wearable crystal in good energetic state.

Size: 8.5 cm in diameter (3.3") - please see the photo where the disk rests on a lace glove for size reference.

Please note, this is not a highly polished scrying mirror but shows natural stone patterning and has a more organic feel.

*Ships from England, UK*


Quick-acting grounding stone. Cleanses and removes unwanted energies from the environment. Assists in releasing negative emotions, bringing them to the surface to be dealt with. When meditated with, can help discovering the roots of certain life situations. Releases disharmony. Strong shield against negative/chaotic energies.

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