Zoom Private Tuition ~ 2.5 hrs online via Zoom (plus pre-consultation)

Private Tuition ~ 2.5 hrs online via Zoom (plus pre-consultation)


I have taught my ways of working, including various knotting and braiding methods and structural techniques, over the years to several of my studio assistants. Since I have received many requests about how to learn what I do, I'm offering these private tuition sessions for those you might want to learn directly from me. If you purchase this opportunity, we'll agree a suitable date and time time for the session. And depending on what it is you want to learn specifically, I will advice what materials to get ready. 

Please note that not everything is teachable in just two hours - for more complicated requests we may need more time. Get in touch with me to enquire, telling me what you most wish to learn and I can give you a better estimate.

The price of this listing also includes a separate consultation of approx. half an hour, to discuss you wishes, possible materials sourcing etc. 

Please note: These sessions are currently not available to those in timezones with more than 8 hours difference from GMT due to my schedule not being able to accommodate early GMT mornings or late GMT evenings. If in doubt, please contact me to check if a mutually suitable time would be possible.


A stable internet connection is needed, preferably via computer or laptop rather than phone. You need a table to work on and any materials that we have agreed beforehand. I also recommend your device to be attached to a charger so that it won’t run out of power in the middle of our session.

After purchasing this session, I will use the email address from your order to send you a message so we can set up a jointly suitable Zoom time for your private tuition session. 

If you have any questions, feel free to
send me a message.

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