Raw, free-standing Quartz point with iron oxide coating
A true 'old soul oracle' crystal spirit for lovers of raw and natural specimens. Free-standing, full of natural purity - this one comes to you from the Himalayas through very few hands and has certainly never been acid-washed as many clean looking crystals. Inside the crystals, you can see some Chlorite inclusions and cloudy landscapes. This one has a strong presence and you can't help but holding it every now and then.
This Quartz point is approx. 8.5 cm (3.3") tall and it's approx. 5.5 cm (2.2") at its widest. Much of the surface is covered in orangey brown iron oxide patina which displays some stunning patterning in itself.
You'll receive this crystal treasure securely padded and wrapped to protect it on the postal journey.
The universal master crystal that has a harmonising effect on all levels of being. Programmable by intention, so can be used for versatile purposes. Quartz can clear, enhance, amplify, transmute, balance, focus and transmit energy. Raises one's energetic vibration. Brings clarity and filters out distractions. A deep soul cleanser, attuning its keeper to their higher self. Each Quartz crystal is unique with its own character and teachings it offers, all are known as “Stones of Power” and “Master Healers”.
Expands universal awareness, supports physical healing process and enhances meditative practice. Helps staying grounded, increasing self-confidence.
Known as 'Quartz of Compassion', this is a purifier crystal. Chlorite is cleansing to the aura, chakras, and energy meridians. Elevates one's vibration higher than that of illness. Can help one visualise and create a more positive future, financially, emotionally, physically. Helps to resolve issues of the heart and remove blockages and resistance so one may acknowledge, forgive, release, and move forward. Great in space clearing, to ward off chaotic, negative energy.