Zoom Runic talisman ~ with Elder Futhark
Zoom Runic talisman ~ with Elder Futhark
Zoom Runic talisman ~ with Elder Futhark

Runic talisman ~ with Elder Futhark


Runic talisman necklace, with a selection of dark toned crystals, alternating with wooden Elder Futhark runes. All 24 are represented in order, the middle Aett divided in half so that one side of the necklace includes the runes from Fehu to Jera and the other side has the runes from Ihwaz to Othala. Between the two sides, there is a section of horn beads and Obsidian that settle behind the neck when worn. This allows the runes to show in front and upright on both sides. The pendant stone is a Flint hagstone, natural sea-tumbled holey stone, found on a shore where Vikings once walked. According to legends, hagstones have special powers in protecting their owners. This stone has been shaped by the waves and attaches to the necklace through its natural hole. The necklace is knotted with dark brown micro-macrame cord, and the wooden runes are burnt on round disks of botanically aged beechwood. The crystals included along the necklace are: Agate, Pyrite, Bronzite, Obsidian, Golden Mica, Lava Stone, Rhodonite, Petoskey Stone, Leopardskin Jasper, Picture Jasper, Tourmaline, Norwegian Moonstone, Snowflake Obsidian, Tiger Iron and Sapphire.

This is a long necklace with an all-around length of 114 cm (49"). The diameter of the wooden rune disks is just under 2 cm (0.8"). The Flint hagstone pebble is approx. 4.5 cm (1.8") wide.

You'll receive this runic talisman in a leather draw-string pouch for safekeeping, and gift-wrapped at no extra cost. If you would rather have a fabric pouch, please let me know at the time of purchase.

Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.


The five main crystal energies:

Ancient protection amulet, calling in spiritual guides and allies. Helps cut away anything that is not in your highest good, dissolving energetic blockages and detaching negative etheric ties from the aura and chakras. Increases self-esteem and courage. Excellent electromagnetic conductor, thus useful for those who are sensitive to EMF pollution. Purifies its environment. Said to prevent nightmares. Known as a "Portal Stone", facilitating your connection with higher dimensions and with your true self. Grounding vibe, which resonating with the Earth Star chakra, yet also corresponds to the Soul Star chakra, offering spiritual expansion and allowing you to ground higher spiritual knowledge into your physical existence.

Quick-acting grounding stone. Cleanses and removes unwanted energies from the environment. Assists in releasing negative emotions, bringing them to the surface to be dealt with. When meditated with, can help discovering the roots of certain life situations. Releases disharmony. Strong shield against negative/chaotic energies.

Taps into your innate abilities, bringing confidence and perseverance to aim for your goals. A shielding stone that helps you see the truth in the motives of others. Increases vitality and enhances your assertive qualities. Helpful in turning melancholy into feeling empowered and more light-hearted. Helps in letting go thoughts of misfortune and worry, thus making it an excellent stone for manifesting abundance. Symbolises the warmth and presence of sun, attracting also abundance of love, friendship and success. Also excellent stone against electromagnetic fog.

The oldest good luck amulet. In ancient times Persian magicians were, according to legend, diverting storms with the powers of Agate. Considered a protective stone (especially for travel), said to shield its keeper against dangers. Increases inner stability, enhances personal courage and fosters self-confidence. Grounding and soothing. Balancing stone for one's energy system to experience oneness instead of duality.

Encourages loving, non-judgemental mindset. Helps in gaining certainty about one's decisions and the right course of action. Bronzite is said to bring harmony into discordant situations, protective when the wearer might feel a lack of control. Instils a feeling of calmness when having "many irons in the fire". A stone of focused action. Grounds you into the knowing that “All Is Well".

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