Zoom Set of altar elements
Zoom Set of altar elements

Set of altar elements


A set of altar elements to add to your altar or energy gridding work.

These altar items come in a drawstring pouch the surface of which I've decorated with flowing asemic writing. The leather is brown, vegetable-tanned (i.e. chrome-free) soft reindeer hide from Lapland. The pouch, while a handy small size, will still be able to carry a few more additional items too if you have tiny treasures to take places.

In the pouch:
- Flint Hagstone for always having clarity and true vision
- wooden heart to remind you of the lightness in your heart
- decorative brass key: "Key to a Good Life"

Representing access to hidden knowledge and success, opening a door to a brighter future. Indicates freedom of movement, whether in or out, but also of obtaining liberation from something. Skeleton keys specifically are about unlocking multiple locks, symbolising the keeper’s ability to make their most heart-felt dreams come true in any area. Stands for spotting opportunities, possibilities and solutions. Of course, also a powerful a symbol of love, as in having access to someone’s heart. 

The key includes a 'tail' of crystals: Larvikite, Smokey Quartz, Jasper and Black Tourmaline. The decorative stopper on the leather pouch includes Almandine Garnet and Quartz.

When the pouch is empty and closed, the diameter is approx. 10 cm (4").  The Flint is about 4 cm (1.6") in its longest dimension. The key is 5.5 cm (2.2) long.

You'll receive this altar set securely packaged and gift-wrapped at no extra charge.


Ancient protection amulet, calling in spiritual guides and allies. Helps cut away anything that is not in your highest good, dissolving energetic blockages and detaching negative etheric ties from the aura and chakras. Increases self-esteem and courage. Excellent electromagnetic conductor, thus useful for those who are sensitive to EMF pollution. Purifies its environment. Said to prevent nightmares. Known as a "Portal Stone", facilitating your connection with higher dimensions and with your true self. Grounding vibe, which resonating with the Earth Star chakra, yet also corresponds to the Soul Star chakra, offering spiritual expansion and allowing you to ground higher spiritual knowledge into your physical existence.

LARVIKITE (aka Black Labradorite, Norwegian Moonstone)
Repels negative energy and can make you more adaptable to life's situations. It also stimulates inner visions so it's very suited to meditation. Black Labradorite is also said to connect with nature spirits. On physical level, it is said to be good for renewing and maintaining vitality and youthfulness.

A grounding and calming stone that elevates moods and dissipates negative emotions. "A Stone of Serenity", it is comforting and protective for one's aura. Smokey Quartz is thought to assist in creative endeavours and also in setting personal boundaries. Offers protection against electromagnetic rays. A good healing stone for improving general feeling of well-being. Relieves anxiety and worry, wards off confusion. Shielding crystal to create a calm, safe environment.

Gently supportive stones, bringing tranquility and comfort. Stabilising for one's energy field, helping one to feel balanced. Nurturing stones that promote happiness and compassion. Great healing energy that eases stress, increases one's stamina and helps in adjusting to changes. Among the best all-round supportive healing stones to wear daily. Protective for astral travel. Inviting beauty and wholeness into one’s life.

One of the most well-known protective stones, shielding its user from negativity. A shamanic stone used for grounding during vision quests. Empowering for those who work in challenging environments. Purifies and transforms denser energies into lighter vibrations and is also detoxifying for the body. If you're sensitive to electromagnetic smog, you may get relief by wearing black Tourmaline.

Stimulates one's life force. Opens the root chakra while drawing earth energy into the body, helping you to feel secure and centred. Awakens the "inner fire" of creativity. Highly protective stone and a great companion to keep you energised. Excellent good fortune and 'success' stone in both social and career ventures, adding positive vibes both in your personal or business life. Stone of purification and cleansing. Symbolises passionate, devoted love.

The universal master crystal that has a harmonising effect on all levels of being. Easily activated by intention, so can be used for versatile purposes. Quartz can clear, enhance, amplify, transmute, balance, focus and transmit energy. Raises one's energetic vibration. Brings clarity and filters out distractions. A deep soul cleanser, attuning its keeper to their higher self. Each Quartz crystal is unique with its own character and teachings it offers, all are known as “Stones of Power” and “Master Healers”.

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