'Seven stone talisman' with Black Tourmaline, Sapphire, Silver Leaf Jasper, Shaman Dream Stone, Dumortierite, Agate & Snowflake Obsidian
Crystal healing talisman combining the energies of seven different types of crystals: Black Tourmaline, Sapphire, Silver Leaf Jasper, Shaman Dream Stone, Dumortierite, Agate and Snowflake Obsidian. This intricately detailed talisman lies flat and invites you to occasionally touch the different crystal strands to really feel the connection to their energy. The neutral colour scheme makes this a great companion with most daily outfits.
The necklace is knotted with light grey micro-macrame cord, and the strands extending down vary in length but are on average more or less 8 cm (3") long. The total width of the talisman strands combined is approx. 5 cm (2"). The largest stone in the strands, Black Tourmaline, is 2 cm (1.8") tall. The length of the necklace is adjustable from very short down to just above solar plexus level.
There are no metals in this necklace so would be particularly suitable for those with metal sensitivities, energy workers and those who simply prefer not to wear metal.
You'll receive this crystal healing necklace in one of my fabric draw-string pouches, great for the safe-keeping of the necklace. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.
The oldest good luck amulet. In ancient times Persian magicians were, according to legend, diverting storms with the powers of Agate. Considered a protective stone (especially for travel), said to shield its keeper against dangers. Increases inner stability, enhances personal courage and fosters self-confidence. Grounding and soothing. Balancing stone for one's energy system to experience oneness instead of duality.
One of the most well-known protective stones, shielding its user from negativity. A shamanic stone used for grounding during vision quests. Empowering for those who work in challenging environments. Purifies and transforms denser energies into lighter vibrations and is also detoxifying for the body. If you're sensitive to electromagnetic smog, you may get relief by wearing black Tourmaline.
Harmonious, protective stone. Considered a good amulet for times of travel (whether physical or astral). Instils a feeling of wholeness and serenity, a sense that all is well. Great support for one's will power and personal courage. Healing effect on emotional tension. Has been called a "stone of natural wisdom", awakening one's sense of joy in life.
SHAMAN DREAM STONE (aka Lodolite, Garden Quartz)
Associated with the crown chakra, enhances one's sensitivity to invisible energies, helps in manifesting one's desires, brings harmony to one's aura, emanates strong yet gentle healing energies. Harmonises the higher vibrational energies of the aura and the light body. Gazing into this stone is said to bring about a cosmic shift of consciousness.
A stone of psychic activation, enhances insight and focus. Helps the throat and third eye chakras to work in unison to strengthen and express one's inner vision. Grounds higher knowledge and helps one to stay centred. Evokes the wisdom needed to see past any situation into the underlying truth. Helpful in channeling healing energy from the highest source, allowing access to deeper levels of consciousness. (Sapphire is one of the four ‘precious’ gemstones, the other three being Ruby, Emerald & Diamond. Other gemstones are considered ‘semi-precious’.)
Stone of support and inner harmony. Offers soothing vibrations that encourage patience with the natural order of the Universe. Aids one's mental capabilities in overcoming tough situations. Regulates the third eye chakra. Acts as a protective shield against fear. Stabilising for relationships, also said to attract a soulmate.
Promotes a sense of calm and inner equilibrium, bringing balance to body, mind and spirit. A grounding, protective stone. Eases worries and when carried/worn helps one to stay balanced and centred throughout the day. Native American shamans often carried Snowflake Obsidian as a powerful talisman to avert evil and bring good fortune, also considering it to be the guardian of the Great Spirit.