Shungite crystal healing amulet
Crystal amulet with a smooth, long and narrow Shungite stone. This is a wonderful purifier stone from Karelia in Western Russia. The necklace is beaded and braided with black micro-macrame cord and highlighted with a combination of small crystals, including Smokey Quartz, Bronzite, Snowflake Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Hawk Eye and Tiger Eye. Matching crystals also adorning the ends of the adjustable necklace braids. This is a stylish crystal healing necklace, an energy talisman in disguise that would fit perfectly with both formal and festive outfits.
The length of the necklace is adjustable from very short down to just above solar plexus level. The Shungite just over 7 cm (2.8") tall and the beaded row on each side of the necklace extend up approx. 17 cm (6.7").
There are no metals in this necklace so would be particularly suitable for those with metal sensitivities, energy workers and those who simply prefer not to wear metal.
You'll receive this one-of-a-kind crystal healing necklace in one of Spirit Carrier's fabric draw-string pouches, great for the safe-keeping of the necklace. Gift-wrapped at no extra charge.
Prior to leaving Spirit Carrier studio, all crystals are energy cleansed, balanced and activated for the highest good of their new keeper.
Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.
Protector and purifier. Reveals truths in one's life and initiates meaningful changes for the highest good, even if the process isn’t always comfortable. Excellent stone to protect from electromagnetic radiation across large frequency range as well as from geopathic stress. Connecting to the cosmic flow, directs one to reach one’s full potential in life, assisting in staying focused and centered, following one’s true path. Can be used to help access ancient memories and soul wisdom.
A grounding and calming stone that elevates moods and dissipates negative emotions. "A Stone of Serenity", it is comforting and protective for one's aura. Smokey Quartz is thought to assist in creative endeavours and also in setting personal boundaries. Offers protection against electromagnetic rays. A good healing stone for improving general feeling of well-being. Relieves anxiety and worry, wards off confusion. Shielding crystal to create a calm, safe environment.
Promotes a sense of calm and inner equilibrium, bringing balance to body, mind and spirit. A grounding, protective stone. Eases worries and when carried/worn helps one to stay balanced and centred throughout the day. Native American shamans often carried Snowflake Obsidian as a powerful talisman to avert evil and bring good fortune, also considering it to be the guardian of the Great Spirit.
Elevates one's perception to see things from a higher perspective, thus aiding in making skilled decisions. Brings clarity, opens up inner guidance and new possibilities. Helps in building courage to trust one's own inner wisdom and intuition. Assists in visualising goals, both spiritual and material and to follow through in bringing them into existence.
Powerful stone to connect with one’s personal strength. Excellent for attracting prosperity. Highly spiritual energy, useful in understanding any life cycle that one is living through. Helps in seeing through illusions and discerning the truth in any situation. A highly protective stone. Good for strengthening one’s boundaries and developing will power and courage.
Encourages loving, non-judgemental mindset. Helps in gaining certainty about one's decisions and the right course of action. Bronzite is said to bring harmony into discordant situations, protective when the wearer might feel a lack of control. Instils a feeling of calmness when having "many irons in the fire". A stone of focused action. Grounds you into the knowing that “All Is Well".
One of the most well-known protective stones, shielding its user from negativity. A shamanic stone used for grounding during vision quests. Empowering for those who work in challenging environments. Purifies and transforms denser energies into lighter vibrations and is also detoxifying for the body. If you're sensitive to electromagnetic smog, you may get relief by wearing black Tourmaline.