Smokey Quartz point crystal healing amulet ~ with gold leaf
Crystal healing amulet with a 'wounded healer' polished Smokey Quartz crystal point with small kintsugi repairs, and displaying a stunning inner landscape that you could immerse yourself in as a rejuvenating meditation. The necklace is minimally braided with pale, warm beige tone micro-macrame cord. The small accent crystals adding a pink hue to this amulet on both sides are Lepidochrosite in Quartz. The ends of the necklace braids are adorned with matching crystals.
The necklace braid is adjustable from as short as you wish down to solar plexus level. The Smokey Quartz point is approx. 4 cm (1.6") tall and 2.5 cm (1") wide and thick.
'Crystal kintsugi' ~ sometimes a damaged crystal still has so much life and energy within that I just cannot discard it. Like us people, no need for past knocks and bruises to define our capabilities. Often these wounded healers have deep wisdom to share. This crystal spirit is now paired with genuine 24 carat gold to celebrate its beauty and to remind you of yours.
KINTSUGI (‘golden joinery’) also known as Kintsukuroi (‘golden repair’) is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. Kintsugi can be seen to have similarities to the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, an embracing of the flawed or imperfect.
Read here how to take care of your crystal jewellery.
A grounding and calming stone that elevates moods and dissipates negative emotions. "A Stone of Serenity", it is comforting and protective for one's aura. Smokey Quartz is thought to assist in creative endeavours and also in setting personal boundaries. Offers protection against electromagnetic rays. A good healing stone for improving general feeling of well-being. Relieves anxiety and worry, wards off confusion. Shielding crystal to create a calm, safe environment.
Stimulates intuitive spiritual awareness, at the same time gently grounding to Earth energy. Raises consciousness, and can be used for focusing intent during energy healing sessions. Calming and soothing, aids in releasing fears and aligning one with Divine will. A stone of 'allowing' and trusting the flow of life.
Metal - GOLD
Symbol of eternity and spiritual purification. Associated with the Sun and its life giving shine. Pure 24 carat gold that is not alloyed with other metals strengthens the energy of crystals that it is combined with and has a healing effect on their energy. (Other metals combined with pure soft 24 carat gold for hardening purposes change its energy and vibration, thus lessening its effectiveness.)