Travel pouch with two crystals
While waiting their turn to journey on to their new keepers from the Spirit Carrier studio, some crystals gravitate together, forming pairs or small groups. The bond between these crystals tends to be so strong that it would feel wrong to allow them go separately. If the dynamics of this duo calls for you, ponder how this crystal energy support may relate to your path ahead at this time, as it is coming to you for a purpose.
You can use these to handle and play with while travelling, meditate with them either together or with each in turn, include in crystal grids or add more crystals from your own collection to make larger grids. Keep in your handbag and perhaps enjoy once in a while swapping your cell phone to handling crystals instead...
The crystal's largest/longest dimension for reference:
Hexagonal Quartz - approx. 5 cm (2”)
Moroccan Desert Sandstone - approx. 5 cm (2")
You'll receive these crystal treasures safely padded for the postal journey and gift-wrapped at no extra charge.
Unusual portal crystal into inner clarity and higher knowing. Powerful support for all-encompassing healing and harmony. Quartz with the inherent growth pattern of hexagon emanates universal coherence, the energy is unifying, bringing all the element’s of one’s life into balanced alignment. Instils resilience, emotional strength and centered courage that can be used for taking beneficial action towards one’s goals. Excellent also for inducing an ideal meditative state and filter out distractions.
Ancient sand concretion stone, a powerful ally for shamanic journeying. Visionary stone that allows you to explore your ancestral timelines in all directions. Protective companion stone keeping you centred in the moment while bringing in wisdom from higher dimensions. Activates third eye and crown chakra, increasing the level of your intuition. Assists in overcoming subconscious fears and blockages on your life path. Awakens your inner courage to find a way in any situation.